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Brothers Pimm

Jun 24, 2020

The Caliban has taken in a hold full of Spanish guns and powder and is nearly at Tortuga, that small stronghold of French and English pirates off the northern coast of Hispaniola. With more than a few nicks and bruises, they'll need to recover and reconvene before they brave the beaches and test the hospitality of...

Jun 17, 2020

As the second season of Otro Mundo begins, our crew's entrance to the Spanish Caribbean has already won them a prize: a Spanish flagship full of supplies and defeated Spanish sailors. As Captain Crowe moves to take his prize, Sorrowful Barks fears another violent encounter--but can he ensure the prize is taken...

Otro Mundo - Chapter 16: A Match in a Powder Keg

Jun 17, 2020

As the second season of Otro Mundo begins, our crew's entrance to the Spanish Caribbean has already won them a prize: a Spanish flagship full of supplies and defeated Spanish sailors. As Captain Crowe moves to take his prize, Sorrowful Barks fears another violent encounter--but can he ensure the prize is taken...

Jun 10, 2020

The Caliban has sailed into Spanish waters off the coast of Florida when a three-ship squadron sails into view! Captain Crowe and his crew will need to leap into the jaws of the Spanish guns to save Pierre Le Grande's crew from certain disaster. Below decks, Thomas tries to reach out to his enemy Brigitte to warn them...

Jun 3, 2020

The Caliban is sailing south into warmer waters as the crew prepare to cross the boundary between the English and Spanish spheres. They'll have a month of sailing beside their barely mollified ally Pierre, but more than one of them will be drawn to Brigitte's side to ask of the mysteries... Even Thomas, still in the...